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Jeff Patton

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Dec. 10, 2013





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Eco-one will not show powershow power when plugged into car

Flashed the eco-one and now won't flash again and will not show power when plugged into the car


Is the 2015 Kia Soul a stand alone or is a remote starter needed, the Eco-one looks to be , Thank You

Is the 2015 Kia Soul a stand alone or is a remote starter needed, the Eco-one looks to be , Thank You


2014 Ford Escape won't shut off

I installed a Evo-All and crimestopper RF kit in a 2014 Ford Escape approximately 2 months ago. All has been good, until this morning. Started car with the remote start and it would not shut off. The only way I could turn the car off was to disconnect the power to the Evo-All. The yellow light was on on the Evo-All before I disconnected the power. Any ideas please. I also installed the wiring harness for easier install.


Is the rf kit needed for 2014 ford escape stand alone install

I don't have an rf kit, the only stand alone install shows the rf kit install with it


Ford Fortin User


2014 Ford Explorer Stand Alone & T Harness problem .....

I installed a evo all in stand alone with T- harness on a 2014 Ford Explorer with Key. Customer left with everything working fine. Only options i did not hook up from diagram is the hood pin because it has factory hood pin and parking lights. A week or two later customer calls to say she remote started vehicle and got in and drove somewhere and when she arrived at destination she put car in park and took the key out of ignition and the car kept running. She put a her foot on the brake numerous time and hit lock 3x again to disengage but still kept running. I flashed the evo all with the latest recommendation from Flash Link for that car before installation. Please let me know what to start checking for ... The driver door is hooked up correctly because it will not remote start with door open or hood open. Thank you...


starter will not allow the vehicle to turn off?

2011 ford edge ts133 titan starter, THAR-ford1 harness and evo-all by pass. installed the system and it worked. customer comes back and says that the vehicle will not shut off unless you unplug the data link connector. tryed new starter module and new evo all. when i programmed the evo all as soon as i turn the key onn the ignition will stay on. open the hood does not make a difference and neither will the brake. when its running the vehicle is fully operational and drivable with out the key in the ignition. any ideas?

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